Number of Things in the World (Infographic)

Infographic on comparative number of things in the world
© 2012 Sylvia Liu (click to enlarge)
When I was in college, I used to drive my roommates crazy with questions like, "Are there more people or more trees in the world?" and "Are there more watches or more cars in the world?" (And I was perfectly sober when pondering these deep questions.) I've always been interested in the relative numbers of things and creatures, and now the internet makes it easy to find the answers.

"Number of Things in the World" is an attempt to put some of these numbers into perspective (click on the image to enlarge). 

This infographic is part of my May series of environmentally-themed pieces at Altdaily.

[Sources: U.S. Census Bureau (world population), mobiThinking (mobile subscriptions) Huffington Post (cars), (TVs), (internet users), CIA- The World Fact Book (roads), (pandas), (whales), Wikipedia (white rhinos) Smithsonian Institute (insects, passenger pigeons), Scientific American (ants)]

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