Norfolk Academy Art Show 2012

Painting of little chickee and egg
A New Day © 2012 Sylvia Liu

Painting of Robot Girl
 Robot Girl © 2011 Sylvia Liu
Painting of cute alien
Zippy en Route ©2012 Sylvia Liu

Painting of loggerhead sea turtle
Sea Turtle © 2012 Sylvia Liu
Two years ago, I launched this blog by letting people know about my pieces in the annual Norfolk Academy Art Show. It's that time of year again. This year I'm showing these four pieces (and was feeling uncreative when coming up with titles for them). The opening reception is on Saturday, April 28, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Norfolk Academy, 1585 Wesleyan Drive, in Norfolk, VA, and the works will be up until May 10 (gallery hours are 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.).

Hope my local friends and acquaintances can stop by. The show has over 130 participating artists this year. The image overload can be a bit overwhelming, but you're bound to find something that will interest you.

Invitation to Norfolk Academy Art Galley Opening

Update (5/11/12): Three of these paintings, the chick, sea turtle, and Zippy were sold during this gallery run, so I'm very excited.