Steampunk Squid (Illustration Friday: Ocean)

Steampunk Squid
© 2012

OK, this week for Illustration Friday, I'm cheating because I'm using a previously made image. A lot of  my work is ocean-related, so it was hard to choose what to post. This is one of my recent favorite characters... a steampunk squid. There are a ton of steampunk octopi around, including one of my favorites, Otto by Brian Kesinger, but not too many squid.

I did this in September 2012, as part of Sweet Squares, a month-long challenge to paint or create something new every day. I ended up with a lot of sea and cephalopod- themed work (see my collage of that month's output).

Here's another sketch, of a steampunk angler fish:

Steampunk anglerfish
© 2012 Sylvia Liu

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